Author Topic: Please fix the server  (Read 3101 times)


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Please fix the server
« on: July 26, 2024, 12:56:06 AM »
*I cant understand why theres a changelog in forum and theres no updates written about whats changed? Eva Templar nerfed soo much that its useless now in olympiad, not gonna even talk about pvp, I understand it shouldnt be OP like it was, but its one of the strongest tank class in olympiad, but in Damage server its shit. Stats has to be changed or make it retail now deffs are ridiculous, gladdis hit regular hit from skill 2k. Not even talking about good gladis, some random without augs :D :D

*Anti feed system? Where? or you just wipe server and write some bull and let peope believe? Make chars to have at least 200 Pvp to be able to go to oly, at least people will have to put some work on feed rabbitss :D Raising price for nobless its not an anti feed system.

*Add some new pvp zones, people are bored seeing same sh1t since 2014.

*Fix classes like Shilent Saint, Blade dancer, Warlords, spoils, warsmirts, boost those classes, people more likely play with them in olympiad and also pvp, we use to have warlords, now none, why server has to be 3 class on pvp and 4 class on oly? Damage use to have good oly balance, many different classes were making pts, playing, obviously some had anticlasses, now its just paladin, tyrant, wc, destro. Most likely sws isnt bad too. boost other classes so people would be interested to join with what they like.

*Discord, forum is usefull, but its 2024, not 2012 server has to have a discord server, for sales, stuff to buy, clan grouping, discussion, screenshots and etc,etc.

***Regardless im not expecting answer or any changes it never happens, but would be lovely to see someone respinding, cause so far this server looks like a cash grab, people are loyal and play here, but most of them dissapointed for seasons and they are here just cause they used to it, its OG server, but its slowly going down, and it could go wayyy further.


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Re: Please fix the server
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2024, 08:06:26 AM »
 "This last summer season wont bring very much updates & fixes. We want you to know that! Instant after summer we start to work with the server with full power (Will be changed alot of game style, zones, accessories, skill fixes...). Thank you for choosing to play in L2DAMAGE ! Please download new V2.4 version patch "